Hollywood Dream Factory
Your Premiere Source for Vintage and Current Movie Memorabilia.

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Movie Reel Time Clocks
Directors Choice Gifts
Products & Services

Hollywood Dream Factory, a customer driven business for over 28 years, has been a supplier of movie related products for every major film studio and entertainment concern.

A few of our esteemed clients have included: 20th Century Fox, MGM, Universal, Columbia, Warner Bros., Turner, Paramount, and Disney. Other prestigious clients in our roster include American Film Institute, Museum of the Moving Image, Smithsonian, COSI, and numerous ad agencies, retail chains, libraries, collectible stores as well as private collectors.

Our virtual store is always open.

If you have any special needs, please feel free to contact us!

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Click below to see our current Ebay listings.

Movie Memorabilia
Movie Posters
Star Photos, Autographs
Film Books & Magazines,
Filmmaking Equipment
Film History
Vintage Cameras
Films:16mm, Super 8, 8mm
Theatre Seats and More!

Sales, design, development and manufacturing of motion picture related items and collectibles.